Flow Meters, Water Flowmeters
Digital Water Flow Meter – FLOW 45
FLOW 45 is a battery powered digital water flow meter for water applications. Magnetic flow meter for areas without power supply like irrigation systems.
Flow Meters, Wastewater
Electromagnetic Flow Meter – Flow 33
The Electromagnetic Flow Meter FLOW 33 without a display unit is the perfect solution for customers who require pulse or current signals from the meter without needing a display unit.
Chemicals, Flow Meters, Water Flowmeters
Electromagnetic Liquid Flow Meter – FLOW 32
FLOW 32 electromagnetic liquid flow meter is a reliable, maintenance-free solution for accurate flow measurement in many applications. Easy to install.
Flow Meters, Fuel and Oil
Eurosens Direct® Fuel Flow Meter
Eurosens Direct® Fuel Flow Meter, a state-of-the-art solution designed for single supply line fuel systems.
Mining, Moisture Sensors
FRAC Sand Moisture Analyzer
Invest in SONO-VARIO’s advanced moisture sensing technology and revolutionize your frac sand operations.
Moisture Sensors, Portable Meter
Gravel Moisture Content Meter Seztec HD2®
Portable sand and gravel moisture meter suitable for all types of sands and construction aggregates. FREE lifetime support and online training.
Aggregates, Moisture Sensors
Gravel Moisture Content Sensor
On-line gravel moisture content sensor for conveyor belts, silos, and clam gates for coarse aggregates like granite, gravel, rock, crushed stone, and RAP up to 1.25″ in size.
Custody Transfer, Flow Meters, Hydrocarbons
Heliflu™ TLM Compact Flowmeter
The compact meter for liquid hydrocarbon measurements.